We are seeking expressive, painterly portraits of human faces with impact. Edgy portraits are more than just pretty faces. We are seeking original paintings, drawings or prints of someone, living or deceased, who has had a significant impact on your life. The individual may be either historically relevant or unknown. The individual’s personality or essence can be communicated through visual elements such as color, medium, composition, abstract shapes and brush strokes. The portraits may not necessarily be flattering but instead disrupt academic conventions. The act of painting, and the process of mark making is significant. Essentially, we are looking for thought-provoking portraits. Submissions should be primarily of human faces or figures, not of animals, buildings or landscapes. Acceptable two-dimensional media: Original oil, acrylic, watercolor or gouache paintings; charcoal, pastel, ink, or graphite drawings; hand-pulled etchings, lithographs, woodcuts or monoprints. No giclee prints, photographs or sculptures will be accepted. Scale: no larger than 36" in either direction. All work must be ready to hang.
Juror: Joanna Pinsky
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